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discipline  grit  honor 

Helping the disabled become able 

Discipline. Grit. Honor.

ABLE KUNG FU: Our Mission
Able Kung Fu

Able Kung Fu

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The ABLE Kung Fu program for kids with disabilities builds the attributes of discipline, grit, and honor in students of every ability, allowing them to express their uniqueness and experience life successes through creative martial arts that engage and empower.

Hosted and founded by two-time national Wushu champion and Pan-American Wushu Championship Gold medalist Justin Hu, ABLE Kung Fu’s goal is to equip students with the techniques and tools to become champions in their own lives.

     Our Story

Able Kung Fu has burgeoned into a global program during the past three years to become Able Kung Fu International, which supports healing and creative expression in underserved communities around the world.


For the past three years, Justin’s Able Kung Fu has impacted about 4,350 students representing more than 80 countries with students coming from different heritage background.


ABLE Kung Fu also enabled a school in Senegal installed a reliable water pump, allowing access to water throughout the school for streamlined plumbing, running water, and most importantly, safe hydration for students, teachers and the villagers totaling around more than 1,000 residents in the area.


Inspired by Justin’s deeds and Able Kung Fu’s mission, Able Music was established under Able Kung Fu in California by students in Rancho Cucamonga.They are carrying music instruments to serve unprivileged students not only in their surrounding areas but also take their services to Taiwan and China.

Able Kung Fu

Able Kung Fu
Able Kung Fu
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Able Kung Fu

Pay it Forward
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Pay it Forward

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Save One Child at a Time

Barra is a two years old boy living in a village near Dakar. Barra was urgently in need of surgery to stay alive as he had bitten into an exposed electric cord that damaged his mouth and throat. We funded his surgery to save his life. Upon meeting Barra after recovery, it is overwhelming to think that Able Kung Fu could have such profound effects half way around the world - one child at a time.

Special Olympics at Georgetown University

At Georgetown University Special Olympics Field day, attention to disabilities fades away; focus shifts to what these athletes CAN do. It is a joy to see the smiles of hopeful athletes upon learning Kung Fu techniques to defend themselves. Watching young people begin to believe that they can become champions in their own lives makes anyone's heart sing.

Awards for Justin Hu
  • 2018 Golden State International Wushu 1st place (Broadsword), 1st Place (Gunshu),1st place (Barehand), USA Wushu Team

  • 2017 National Wushu Champion

  • 2016 National Wushu Champion

  • 2015 USA Team Pan American Wushu Gold Medalist

© 2018 by ABLE KUNG FU  Proudly created with

Able Kung Fu is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

All contributions are fully deductible as allowed by law.

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